On midnight Sunday, I wound up having my most productive day ever with over 4,000 words written in a single day! This brought the total word count to 48,333, which meant after 29 days, I finally managed to get caught up.
With only 1,667 words to write to make the 50,000 words, I was feeling relatively good. I worked for another hour and a half before heading to bed, which left only about 1,300 words to go. I toyed with the idea of calling in sick, and rejected it. I took an hour long lunch and banged out a few hundred more words. I spent my afternoon break writing a few more by hand. I thought I might get more written on the drive home, but I managed to make it through the majority of the lights.
But once I got home, it was tough going. I got kind of stuck until about 9. At 10 pm, my son called me. I listened to him and continued to type. I still had a few hundred words to go. But I knuckled down and managed to reach 50,000 words around 11:00. Feeling drained, I decided to call it a night at 11:30 with 50,264 words and 1,931 words written for the day, an improvement from last year for both stats.
I also have a grain of a possible idea for next year's Nano. And I don't think I'm going to Las Vegas in November next year. :)
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
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