I've started plotting. Apparently, I got bit with the sitcom bug and have decided to write something in the ilk of "How I Met Your Mother," "Friends," and "The Big Bang Theory." Something about a small group of friends and their general hi-jinks in the not-so-big city that is Portland, Oregon. (Why does Seattle get to have all the fun, anyway?)
The main group will be four close friends known bemusedly as "The Peloton" (they're all cyclists).
Meet the main characters:
- Lydia Watts -Webcomic artist and bookstore co-owner
- Engaged to: Skye Nicolson - Acupuncturist who visits a lot, but lives in Seattle.
- David Briar - Bar Tender, Scuba Instructor, Bike Mechanic, Yoga Instructor, Wind surfer, &c...
- Katie Raymond - Amateur cyclist and ER nurse who hopes to make it to the London Olympics in Track cycling.
- Lionel Thompson - Called Taurus - Highschool Math Teacher
The length of Scriptfrenzy, 100 pages, suggests 4 episodes at approximately 25-pages long. Currently, I'm working on the basic plots for the four episodes and I'm most interested in what I'm going to use as the pilot. As this is a Portland-based sitcom, at least one of them is going to be about cyclocross.