Friday, November 6, 2009


Last night I made it to 10,000 words. Well, 10,014, but what's a mere 14 words amongst friends? Woo Hoo! I'm getting to work an hour earlier so I can leave an hour earlier to write and so far, I think it's working. It's my first NaNo, so I didn't know what to expect. I find I get into a groove and write like crazy. Then I have to stop and do something else for a little bit while I digest what's happened before I can determine where to go next. And no matter what I decide, I'm always surprised as what happens as my fingers fly across my keyboard. I get the sensation of being outside myself reading the story as it is being written. Crazy!
Tonight, I'm heading over to Stumptown cofee downtown when I get off work at 4 to write for a couple of hours and then taking the rest of the night off. I am due for a mini-break and I-made-it-to-the-fifth-way-mark mini-celebration :)

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo! *throws you a party* Congrats! I know that groove feeling all too well.

    I'm using Write or Die during lunch breaks. 20-minutes to eat and a 10-minute, 500-word sprint in the middle!
