Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Words Today: 1,830
Word Count Total: 28,877

No MCs in this chapter, just an attack on a classically unusual Kissili settlement.

Not an easy day to find time to write, today, with a couple of meetings around lunch time and little B waking just as I was about to put finger to keyboard first thing. Also going out tonight, so no time there. Still, managed to grab some time in the afternoon, so I had a reasonable day.

Should break 30k tomorrow - the start of the glide.

1 comment:

  1. Hip hip!....if you actually make it to the '30K glide', whatever that is....HOORAY!
    Finding time in unlikely places is an amazing testament to the amount of time we generally leave unused. Good for you for managing to go out, have a little B, and write a novel within a month. You're a literary rockstar!
