Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Week Three

Here we are, halfway through Week Three now. I'm done counting by days, I'm thinking in terms of weeks now.

Was it just me, or did the first two weeks whizz by like they had better things to do? I didn't make it this far in NaNo last year, so this is my first time taking the week three corner on two wheels, full speed ahead. Those first two weeks were not nearly the challenge they were last year, but this is new territory for me now. Can I sustain this pace for another two weeks? (ok, week and a half) This, as they say, is where the rubber meets the road. My word count is maintaining, despite a small setback over the weekend but I'm still ahead of the daily minimum. I know some people have already hit the 50K mark (rather anti-climactic, no?), I don't know what they do after that. Keep going, I guess?

I'll say this: writing at this pace sure produces piles of garbage. If I didn't have a day job, and had nothing to do all day but write, 1667 words a day should be a piece of cake. But trying to squeeze it in to a couple of hours in the evening when I'm almost too tired to think is not producing the level of writing I would like. Frankly, it's pretty craptastic. Ah well, there'll be plenty of time to clean it up later. How's everyone else holding up?

Let's have a little levity for the day, courtesy of the late, great, Douglas Adams:

I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.

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