Friday, November 13, 2009


Words Today: 1,889
Word Count Total: 33,123

MC #1 spending time with his grandmother, being Told Things in no uncertain terms. Lots of fun to write for this character - always get a kick out of her.

No 35k today, since I'm roleplaying tonight. No planned writing for Saturday either, but Sunday should be highly productive: goal is 40k by close of play.


  1. What game are you playing? I've got Traveller tomorrow night. :)

  2. I am playing in a Savage Worlds campaign, which is a fairly new "cinematic" system. The system goal is to have the heroic game play of D&D with simpler mechanics. It mostly succeeds. Other times we play Call of Cthulhu.

    Which version of Traveller? I will have to tell a friend of mine in NY that there is at least one group in the world still playing...
